
Daily Knees

Good evening, lords and ladies!

Last Saturday was Kata's doll themed Halloween party, but we also had our traditional Kesänkuoppajaiset the same day. I decided to pop in at Kata's quickly before our own party. Thus my outfit had to be somewhat doll themed, but also comfy. Shirring was an absolute must as Kesänkuoppajaiset had a lot of awesome food - the menu had crepes, pancakes and such! The dress would also have to be machine washable in case I would accidentally drop orange marmalade on it. Luckily that never happened, though, but that's a lot of requirements for one single outfit!

{Dress - Innocent World / blouse - Seppälä / headbow - second hand / stockings - Lock Shop / shoes - KMB}
I didn't take any pictures at Kesänkuoppajaiset (I was too busy eating and having fun with my dear friends) but have some adorable pictures of Chili, Kata's kitten instead. Mimi also has wonderful pictures of the other "dolls" at Kata's party.

I'm actually a little bit afraid of cats, and could never have a cat of my own, but I must admit they are cute when they are just small kittens! :D

4 kommenttia:

  1. Those tights freak me out. But the kitten peeking over the cup is a fantastic bonus

  2. psst... eikö nuo sukkikset ole väärinpäin? pallonivelnukeilla on tuommonen lovi polvitaipeessa (tai siellä polven takapuolella siis, miksi sitä sanotaankaan). tässä näkyy aika hyvin. vai onko ne molemmilta puolilta samanlaiset? :O

    1. Suoraan sanoen en tiedä! Kävin kyllä googlettamassa BJD-polvia ennen sukkisten laittamista, ja löysin ainakin joitain nukkeja, joilla näytti olevan lovi etupuolella, siksi laitoin sukkikset noin päin. Pitääpä ensi kerralla sihdata Tiian BJDn polvet, kun menen hänelle kylään. :D
