Here are some more snaps from Barcelona.
Casa Mila by Gaudi.
Casa Batlló, also designed by Gaudi.
The medieval gothic quarter.
The gothic quarter's cathedral.

There's a unicorn on the roof!

In Park Güell, we climbed all the way up to the highest point of the park. There was this little stone hill or tower structure, and we climped on it to see the view better. It was very scary, because the top was so crowded and there was no safety railings. I wonder how nobody fell off. :D But anyway, from that tower thingy we could see the whole Barcelona.

Here you can see one of the few pictures taken of me during our trip. Everyday was so hot and humid that I looked too horrible for pictures. :'D

In the end, some random pictures. This little fella, apparently waiting patiently for his owner...
...and a fountain that flashed in all the coulours of a rainbow.
We also visited Gaudi House Museum, but I'm too lazy to post pictures from it. And it wasn't that great museum, either. Sure it had some interesting pieces of furniture, but I thought there would be more to see. :P And naturally we went to the Čaj Chai Teahouse also, and I purchased quite many lovely teas, but again I'm too lazy to show any pictures. Anyway, all in all we had a very great trip. We even found some very nice restaurants to eat in, and got to taste some great tapas. I'd say we ate here a lot better than we did in London. I'd also say that I might like Barcelona a bit more than London. It might be simply because of the better food. Food is very inportant. :}