Ofelia -event is now over, and we survived trought two fashion shows. I think that everyone looked so fabulous, and the whole show was a succes! ♥ I was too lazy to upload all photos here, but later there will be a video also, and I'll post it here.
But while waiting for that, have some pictures of the fashion show. All pictures are taken by and © Sanni, unless otherwise mentioned. It is NOT allowed to use these photos unless you are the model in the picture!

Thank you models, you really were great! Also thank you Mimi for helping me organize this show, and Serina for mixing our music. ♥
Olette niin kauniita. <3 Näytän sille kuin kaivelisin hampaitani, vaikka käteni on vain olkapäälläni. :P
VastaaPoistaElfie: Kiitos! Olet itsekin kaunis, kuvakulma vain hämää. :D
VastaaPoistaÄÄ, nyt harmittaa ihan sikana, etten päässyt Ofeliaan. Olette kaikki tosi nättejä. <3
VastaaPoistaPinkuNamida: Kiitos kovasti! Näytöksestä on vielä tulossa video, jahka ystäväni saa sen editoitua, eli siitä näet näytöksen tunnelmia paremmin. :)
VastaaPoistayou all look amazing!! congrats for the beautiful fashion show!
VastaaPoistaYou look awesome and the other lolitas too! I don't use LJ anymre but when I saw your post on D_L, I was like: Quick! Go to Caramea's blog to comment! And you look like a real princess ;__; <3
VastaaPoistaI love nordics lolitas, they are always so stylish and the prettiest of all!
Madamoiselle Ana: Thank you very much! ♥
VastaaPoistaSam: Thank you very much! That's so nice to hear. I think that Finnish lolitas rock, and especially everyone in the show was just gorgoeus!