
What's inside my (loli) purse

I should be packing away my stuff, but instead I'm taking pictures of the rather pink insides of my loli purse - though this is pretty much what my purse has always eaten, be it lolipurse or non (even my notes for work are written on a notebook with roses and angels on the cover!). Today I imagined, just for fun, what kind of loli coordinations I would like to wear for a week end trip to Paris - and got a sudden urge to do something loli related and since I have no time to actually wear loli right now (should be packing, packing, packing away), I decided to take this photo.

So, inside is: Bambi makeup bouch, cupcake decorated little purse for my buss card and Visa Electron, travel size bottle of water (very handy!), a book that I happen to be reading at the time (I read a lot and often carry books with my to read in the subway etc.), a hand lotion, cell phone (which sadly is not pink), a calendar, a Hello Kitty shaped box (I keep my throath and head ache pills there for first aid, should I happen to get unwell), a fan, a lipstick shaped pen (yes, it actually is pen! My penpal just send it to me, it's adorable!), and lastly hankerchiefs that says "Boys are stupid, stinky, smelly, dumb" (a humorous gift from my dear friend). It's hilarious that my boyfriend actually looks a little bit like the guy in the hankerchiefs - they both have blue eyes, haha.

You can still leave me random (or even loli related!) questions on the previous post. I think I shall answer those next week. You all know by now how busy I am - and I apologise for that. :3

EDIT: Noticed just now, that all the pictures from my blog have vanished. I'm seriously hoping that this is only Blogger having some temporary problem, or then it's on my internet connection... This is nightmarish. I'm going to go away and hope that tomorrow my pictures will be normal. If not, then I'm in trouble. x_x

12 kommenttia:

  1. It all fits in there?
    Looks so small :D

  2. Mullakaan ei näy mitkään Bloggerin kuvat. Itse siirrän kuvat Photobuckettiin ja ne ainakin näyttäisi toimivan blogissani. Mietin itsekin, onko vika mun nettiyhteydessä mutta näköjään se on Bloggerissa. :(

    1. Minä myös kiertelin muutamia seuraamiani bloggerin blogeja, ja huomasin, että samanlaisia ongelmia niissäkin. Toivotaan siis hartaasti, että vika on bloggerin ja korjaus tulossa pian... en halua edes ajatella, miten kauan kestäisi ladata kaikki kuvat blogiini uudestaan, yli 300 postaukseen... kauhu! x_x

  3. Oi, tuo on hyvä kirja. Olen lukenut monesti. ^^
    Kaikkea söpöä on kyllä laukkusi syönyt. :D

    1. Jep, niin on! Kovin naiivi, mutta ihanan sadunomainen. <3 Kiitos!

  4. Vastaukset
    1. Kiitos, sain juuri tänään huulipunakynän lahjaksi kirjeystävältäni! Se on niin ihana, siinä on jopa blingejä! XD

  5. Everything your bag contents is super cute! I love the lace fan and hand mirror! I like this kind of lipstick-pen, Marc Jacobs has one and I just want it so badly D:

    1. Thank you! My penpal just send me that lipstick pen today, it's so cute. *-* I have the best penpal(s) ever. <3

  6. Ah, tuo kynä ehti tähän kuvaan mukaan. ~ <3
