
Cut Out

A card I made for Mother's Day. It's a Finnish Lapp Hund; for obvious reason (called Chico) this breed is very dear for both my Mom and me. I really like this technique, but I don't think I'll be cutting any more Lapp Hunds very soon. The fur is too complicated to cut with my lousy scissors.

4 kommenttia:

  1. Onpa se kaunis! Ihana ja inspiroiva idea. :) Tuollaisesta kortista ilahtuisi varmasti kuka tahansa, vaikkei edes pitäisikään kyseisistä koirista! ^_^

    1. Kiitos! Ja eihän kukaan nyt ~voi~ olla pitämättä suomenlapinkoirista, niin ihana ja lutuinen karvahanurirotu kun vaan olla ja voi. <3 :D

  2. That looks really amazing! Those would probably also make nice little decorations around the house or set out as placemarkers at a tea party.

    1. Thank you! Yes, they probably would, but it was quite troublesome to cut all the "fur", lots of fine details... so I would most likely be too lazy to do these for a teaparty. Maybe it would be easier if I had better, finer scissors... :P
