Hei kaikki!
Olemme nyt saaneet aika hyvin hakemuksia Helloconin
muotinäytökseen sirkusteemaisiin asuihin. Kaipaisimme etenkin
karnevaalivieraita edustavia asuja, joten rohkeasti vaan lähettämään
hakemuksia! Jos et ole varma, minkä tyyppisiä asuja haemme, kysy vain -
me järjestäjät annamme mielellämme vinkkejä! Ohjeet malliksi hakemiseen
löytyy edelleen täältä.
Haluamme vielä selventää sen verran, että myös karnevaalivieraan
asua mallaavat pääsevät kyllä poseeraamaan parrasvaloissa - kaikki asut
ovat yhtä tärkeitä, eikä kukaan joudu vain toimimaan taustalavasteena.
Eräs mallihakija oli tästä huolissaan, joten ajattelimme tehdä selväksi,
että näin ei suinkaan ole. ;)
Parhain terveisin me järkkärit,
Mari & Mimi
Hi everyone!
We have now received quite many model applications for
Hellocon fashion show that represent the circus theme. We would very
much like to receive some applications for Carnival audience's outfits
as well, so please do not hesitate to send your applications in! If you
are not sure what kind of outfits we are looking for, please feel free
to ask tips from us organizers! We are happy to help you. If you would
like to apply in English, please leave a comment with your e-mail address and I will send the translated instructions for applying.
Please notice, that models with Carnival audience's outfits will also
have their time in the limelight. All outfits are equally important and
no one will have to just stay in the background. One model applicant was
worried about this so we thought we'd make this clear. ;)
With best wishes us organizers,
Mari & Mimi
Five O'Clock Tea & Another Outfit From Yesterday
Good evening, lords and ladies!
It's been a little while since my last post. My camera is now completely broken, so you'll have to do with phone quality until I get a new one. Me and fiancé booked a trip to Rome for May, and I am so going to get a new camera before that! So I don't think you'll have to endure the phone pictures too long. :D
Well, today I hosted a five o'clock tea party at our place. I really like this picture with my darling bunny, taken by Sanni. ♥
As it was a tea party inspired by the British afternoon tea culture, I decided to take inspiration to my outfit from there also. My main source of inspiration was the tea gowns of the past, particularly this one - it is so ugly that it goes beoynd ugliness and emerges on the other side as beautiful again, in a crazy sort of way. I borrowed the soft colour palette of that gown, as well as the ruffly collar. Though my collar is pale in comparison, at least it is rufflier than usually.
And here's my outfit from yesterday when me and fiancé went for tea shopping and tea sipping at The Ounce.
It's been a little while since my last post. My camera is now completely broken, so you'll have to do with phone quality until I get a new one. Me and fiancé booked a trip to Rome for May, and I am so going to get a new camera before that! So I don't think you'll have to endure the phone pictures too long. :D
Well, today I hosted a five o'clock tea party at our place. I really like this picture with my darling bunny, taken by Sanni. ♥
As it was a tea party inspired by the British afternoon tea culture, I decided to take inspiration to my outfit from there also. My main source of inspiration was the tea gowns of the past, particularly this one - it is so ugly that it goes beoynd ugliness and emerges on the other side as beautiful again, in a crazy sort of way. I borrowed the soft colour palette of that gown, as well as the ruffly collar. Though my collar is pale in comparison, at least it is rufflier than usually.
{Dress - Victorian Maiden / purse - Accessorize / shoes - bought from London / jewelry - Kalevala jewelry / the rest - second hand}
Here's everyone!
Of course we had a huge tower of food.
And here's my outfit from yesterday when me and fiancé went for tea shopping and tea sipping at The Ounce.

{Dress - Jane Marple / Blouse - Seppälä / headbow - Innocent World / jewelry - Kalevala jewelry / boots - second hand}
Daily outfit,
Innocent World,
Jane Marple,
Kalevala jewelry,
second hand,
tea party,
victorian maiden
Hello hello, everyone!
I have officially moved into the modern time, as I now have a phone with actual, working internet connection. To celebrate this, I decided tofinally become cool join Instagram. You can find me by name cremecaranette. There will be an endless spam of dog and bunny pictures, I can promise you that. Besides that I'll propably post things related to food, tea, clothes and shoes, and well... we'll see what else.
I have officially moved into the modern time, as I now have a phone with actual, working internet connection. To celebrate this, I decided to
P.S. Somewhat related.
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