
Lace Flowers

I just got this dress, it's from Angelic Pretty. It's a shame it's pink (I have too much pink in my wardrobe as it is), but I couldn't resist buying it!

All the lace is mint green, it was a nice surprise. I thought the laces would be white, but it's way better that they aren't. Because of mint colored lace this dress is really fresh, like an ice cream on a Summer day (and a Summer dress it actually is). Also the hem is very full and quite long for AP.

The best part in this dress are the flowers on the bodice. They even have pearls on them. These flowers were the reason I had to purchase this dress, the idea is so lovely and unique.

In the Summer I'm going to wear this dress with lots of rose corsages on my hair. See, the Autumn is over, so naturally I start to dream of Spring and Summer. Too bad there's a long, dark, wet, cold, windy Finnish winter in between me and those bright Summer days.

15 kommenttia:

  1. Vaatekaapissa ei voi koskaan olla kylliksi vaaleanpunaista!

  2. Aivan ihana mekko!! ♥
    Hih..pakko yhtyä Jousian mielipiteeseen, ei voi olla liikaa pinkkiä tai no vaikka sitä olisikin runsaasti, se ei ole koskaan huono asia. ^__^

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

  3. This dress is gorgeous and full of details, I just love the bodice with the flowers <3

    1. Thank you, I love the bodice too! It's the reason I got his dress in the first place. x)

  4. Minulla on tuon saman sarjan minttu hame, haluaisin myös sen JSK:n. :) On kyllä ehkä yksi sievimmmistä AP:n tuotoksista. :3

    1. Niin on! Itse haluaisin tämän OPn tai sen JSK -version nimenomaan minttuna tai luonnonvalkeana. Jos joskus tulee vastaan, nappaan kyllä. :D

  5. so beautiful<3 love the flowers somuch o_O

  6. Am I the only one who loves the freezing and snowy finnish winter ;)? I'm already super excited about the winter since the snow has already come. Winter is the time when I really feel like wearing shiro lolita (it's such a shame that I don't own white shoes...). That dress you bought is really beautiful. Even though it's quite springy, why wouldn't you try to make a winter coordination of it (a pastel snow princess way :D)? Those flowers and pale mint laces also remind of fragile snowflakes. And aren't pastel colours and flowers the top mainstreet fashion this winter ;).

    1. Hmm, it might very well be that you are one of the few who actually like the Finnish winter. I have no problem with the snow, actually I think it is very beautiful. How ever I'm not a big fan of cold and dark. It's very typical for me be all excited about the Autumn and then get a little depressed when it's over. x) The pastel colours have been in from the last Spring and all the way through Summer - I thought the trend would pass by Fall, but it didn't. It's quite extraordinary!

      Your idea about the snow princess -style is quite nice, maybe I'll try it someday. We'll see.

  7. It's really pretty!! *o* I agree with you, the mint colored lace gives it much more freshness than if they were simply white! <3

  8. Niinpä nuo mintut pitsit tekevät siitä omaperäisen. (Aina siihen ei tarvita superprinttejä) Tykkään tuosta tosi paljon. Muakin himoittaa kamalasti juuri nyt kesäsesongin lolijutut...

    1. Kiitos! Kyllä alkaa kummasti kesävaatteet himottaa, kun katsoo ulos märkään, kylmään ja pimeään... :D
