Good afternoon, lords and ladies!
So, Helsinki Lolita Convention happened yesterday. I only slept maybe two hours before the convention, and was totally dead after it, but what a great day it was! I had so much fun, I watched all the fashion shows (well, not the one I modeled in) and almost all the panels, too. And of course I met many of my friends and did some nice purchases too.
Sadly all the pictures I tried to take of fashion shows failed; I've not yet learned to use my new camera. So I'll have to wait for the official photographers' pictures to appear before I have any material to post here. :'D
But anyhow, here are my newest purchases. The first two I bought before the convention, and the rest during it.
Let's start with this adorable little octopus necklace I found from Etsy. It came with a pretty box.
Here is my newest tea set. I love the fresh colours (they make me think of Spring! *-*) and the Asian influences in design of this tea set. The pot is quite small (under 1 litre), so I only bought 4 cups and 4 plates. For bigger parties I have my Lomonosov set with 6 cups. :)
And these are my finds from Helsinki Lolita Convention.
First, this Baby, the Stars Shine Bright OP. It has some old school feeling in it, which is nice. Those who have read my blog longer know already my weakness for flower prints. One can not have too many flower prints in her closet (in my opinion, at least).
What I really fell for in this dress are the colours of the print! Shades of pink and red are very common in flower prints, but this one has shades of lilac and mossy green! It's quite rare and very elegant. To me this dress is a perfect mixture of sweet design and classical colours.
I also bought this Kraken necklace from Essin maailma. Essi had made this unique little fellow especially for me, using my sketch as a model. It's so cuuuute. ♥ I intend to wear it with lolita, though I've yet to figure out how I'm going to to that. I don't have any sea themed prints, and so this will be missmatching - but then again, the longer I wear lolita, the less I really care about matching perfectly. It gets boring.
I also bought this dress for everyday use. I love the lace details and the polkadots, and of course the colour too (dark blue is one of my favorite colours). It's cute and very comfortable to wear. The perfect dress to cheer up my long school days.
And then there is this headband. More polkadots!
And lastly, I found cute stickers! I'm going to use them to cutify my school folders a littlebit.
In the end, a bonus pic: Essin maailma's table! So many lovely colours and cute designs! Those jellyfish necklaces were so awesome I had to use all my will power not to buy one. :3
Daily Donuts
Hello lords and ladies! Here's my outfit from today, just something simple and cute for a dinner and a movie with my boyfriend. Right now I'm really liking this kind of a side bun, it's easy to do and looks nice with a beret. :3
Dress is Innocent World,
purse Baby, the Stars Shine Bright,
shoes Wonders,
blouse Seppälä,
and pearls are a second hand find.
We saw "Life of Pi" and though it's different to what I usually like to watch, it was still very touching and visually gorgeus. My two favorite scenes were this one...
... and this one. Just look at the colours. My, oh my. *-*
Dress is Innocent World,
purse Baby, the Stars Shine Bright,
shoes Wonders,
blouse Seppälä,
and pearls are a second hand find.
We saw "Life of Pi" and though it's different to what I usually like to watch, it was still very touching and visually gorgeus. My two favorite scenes were this one...
... and this one. Just look at the colours. My, oh my. *-*
baby the stars shine bright,
Daily outfit,
Innocent World,
My Wardrobe, part 4: Dresses
This is the fourth and, as I don't have any lolita skirts, the final part of "My Wardrobe" series. I've been postponing doing this for ages, because I've been busy, and lazy, and then I was never home when it was still day light outside... but now I finally got it done. So, here you go: my lolita dresses.
Let's start with Angelic Pretty.
And then Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.

And Innocent World.
Juliette & Justine and Victorian Maiden.
Offbrand, hand made by Hui Lai Lee and Mimi.
And that was that! :)
Edit: Oh snap. I just realised that two of my dresses are missing from these pictures, because they are not at my place now. Anyway those are the green and silver JSK made by Sanni, and the Unicornia Regalia JSK made by Mimi. :P
Metro Station
Today I helped Sanni with her school project and we had a quick and efficient photoshoot at a metro station. Sanni asked that my photoshoot outfit should fit the place and season, so I wore my winter coat, boots and a beret.
Here's a closeup of my makeup, hairdo and accessories.
These two are just outfit snaps, and will not be used for the complete project. I can't wait to see the final results!
Outfit details:
Coat - handmade by Mimi
Fur collar - handmade by me from vintage fur
Dress - Victorian Maiden
Blouse - Bodyline
Accessories - Accessorize, H&M, Seppälä
Shoes - Wonders
Here's a closeup of my makeup, hairdo and accessories.
These two are just outfit snaps, and will not be used for the complete project. I can't wait to see the final results!
Outfit details:
Coat - handmade by Mimi
Fur collar - handmade by me from vintage fur
Dress - Victorian Maiden
Blouse - Bodyline
Accessories - Accessorize, H&M, Seppälä
Shoes - Wonders
Daily outfit,
hand made by me,
victorian maiden,
NVC 4 Years
I just realised that my blog had its 4th anniversary 31.1.2013! Oh, how the time flies!
I totally forgot about my blog's birthday (shame on me), so no giveaways this time. I can't believe it's been four years already... :D
I totally forgot about my blog's birthday (shame on me), so no giveaways this time. I can't believe it's been four years already... :D
(Picture: we♥it)
Helsinki Lolita Convention 23.2.2013 @ Gloria
23.2.2013 Suomessa järjestetään viimein ensimmäinen nimenomaan lolita-harrastajille ja tyylistä yleisesti kiinnostuneille suunnattu convention. Tapahtumapaikkana toimii Gloria. Ohjelmassa on mm. muotinäytöksiä, keskustelupaneeleita ja erilaisia työpajoja. Conventionin lipulla pääsee myös iltakeikalle, jossa esiintyy japanilainen Lolita Complex -yhtye, jonka laulaja Tocco on toiminut myös Baby, the Stars Shine Brightn mallina. Kaikin puolin vaikuttaa siis hintansa väärtiltä tapahtumalta, ja allekirjoittanut on ainakin jo ihan innoissaan. :D
Olen myös Katin kanssa järkkäämässä conventioniin paneelia lolitasta, pukuhistoriasta ja inspiraation ottamisesta siltä suunnalta. Käsittelemme myös hieman harvinaisempia aikakausia - listallamme ovat mm. rensanssi ja belle epoque, joista kummastakaan ei paljoa puhuta lolitan yhteydessä, vaikka syytä todella olisi. Pientä mainostusta paneelillemme siis, tulkaa ihmeessä katsastamaan. :3
Katsokaa lisää infoa tapahtuman blogista: klik!
Finland will have its first real convention for lolitas and those who are interested in the style! Helsinki Lolita Convention will be on 23th February 2013 at Gloria. There will be fashion shows, discussion panels and workshops. Also Tocco and Lolita Complex will have a gig after the convention, and you can get to both the gig and the convention with same the ticket. I'm all excited about the convention already! It would be awesome to see some foreign lolis there also! For more information, see Helsinki Lolita Convention's blog. There's info in English also!
This outfit made me think of Little My from The Moomins, and whenever Little My is mentioned, I think of our mean budgie girl Lumina. Her previous owner called her Little My because she is so temperamentic. She is the meanest budgie I have ever owned. But I still love her. ♥
Anyway, an outfit I wore yesterday to my friend's birthday party.
Headband from Bijou Brigitte,
Bow brooch from a flea market,
Dress from Zara and
Shoes from Stylesnob.
Anyway, an outfit I wore yesterday to my friend's birthday party.
Headband from Bijou Brigitte,
Bow brooch from a flea market,
Dress from Zara and
Shoes from Stylesnob.
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