
The Last Unicorn of This Spring

Good afternoon, my lords and ladies!

Yesterday me and Hanna-darling went to see Audrey Hebpurn's movie Sabrina to a local culture centre. I simply adore Audrey, and Sabrina is one of my favorite films from her, so it was really nice to actually see it on a big screen!

I decided to wear my unicorn dress while I still can. Soon it will be too warm to wear it, as it is made of velvet and cotton twill.

Also have a picture of my heart shaped sunglasses. They are funny, aren't they? They don't take themselves too seriously - a skill we people should also learn. :}

P.S. Today we are having our annual Talventappajaiset (Winter Killing) party, yey! Maybe I shall wear something nice today also.

Outfit rundown
Roses - H&M
Earrings - gift from a friend
Blouse - Bodyline
Dress - Handmade by Mimi
Stockings - Stockmann
Shoes - Ellos

12 kommenttia:

  1. This look is so beautiful! I absolutely love this dress, it's gorgeous! <3

    1. Thank you! I love the dress too, it's becoming one of my favorites very fast! :}

  2. Your old vintage style is so amazing!



  3. I don't like Sabrina. I like her wardrobe but the story is terrible. The plot itself is fine but there was no chemistry between the leads, it wasn't believable enough for me and the character of Sabrina herself was a spoilt brat. I feel much the same about Funny Face where the wardrobe was the best bit I feel. All of these older men Audrey Hepburn was paired off with didn't do her any favours, a lot of the time the chemistry just wasn't there, especially with Fred Astaire

    1. Sabrina is a very naive character, and also a very naive movie when you compare it to the modern films. But for me, that's part of the charm! x)

  4. So lovely coordinate! Red gives the elegantness also some freshness. And those sunglasses are pure awesomeness aren't they?

  5. Oi ihanaa ♡
    Vanhoja leffoja pitäisi näyttää enemmän.

    Talventappajaiset kuullostaa ihan mahtavalta! :D

    ~ Frillycakes ♥ ~

    1. Varmaan niitä harvakseltaan näytetäänkin. Pitäisi vain muistaa olla niin valveutunut, että tajuaa, missä menee mitäkin ja milloin. x)

      Ihana juhla se onkin (tai olikin, eilenhän se jo meni). Pidämme keväisin Talventappajaiset ja syksyisin Kesänkuoppajaiset, järjestäen ne ystäväpiirissämme vuorotellen. Juhlat ovat hyvä tekosyy syödä herkkuja ja nähdä kaikki parhaat ystävät koolla yhtä aikaa. :3

  6. The shoes look perfect to that dress! :D Beautiful coord!
