Tässäpä siis teille teaser, joka kuvaakin erittäin hyvin shootin tunnelmia - pirun kylmää, mutta ainakin naurua riitti.

Hauskaa viikonloppua kaikille! ♥
Translation: Last Wednesday, on a sunny and warm day... please excuse me, but that is a lie. So, last Wednesday, on a sunny, but slightly windy day... oh, pardon me, but that is a lie too. Last Wednesday, on a definitely-not-sunny, VERY windy and cold day we finally had our long planned Miss Lolita Cherie -photoshoot - and this is the truth! :D Here, have a teaser. It really was so cold, but we had so fun, too! You'll see more photos from this photoshoot after the week end. I hope you all have a very fun week end! ♥
Iloiselta vaikuttaa tosiaan. Odotan lisää kuvia :)
VastaaPoistaOtan myös pienen erivapauden ja sanon, että käy kurkkaamassa blogi nimeltä Askartelu Kouristus
www.askartelukouristus.blogspot.com :)
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