Ostan suosikkiteekaupastani vain yhtä teelaatua kerrallaan. Pukeudun aina teekaupassa käyntiä varten lolitaan, joten näin saan useammin tekosyyn loleilla.
I always buy only one sort of tea when visiting my favorite tea shop. And I always wear lolita when I’m going to that tea shop, so this way I get more opportunities to wear lolita. [Picture:
we ♥ it]
VastaaPoistaWhat type of tea you buy?
I like apple with cinnamon or red fruits ^^
Madamoiselle Ana: I like apple and cinnamon tea, too! :D My favorite quality is black, and right now I like most Russian Samovar Blend, Geisha tea, Lady Grey, chocolate tea and Darjeeling! I have a bad habbit of buying more tea than I have time to drink. :D