
My New "Boring" Shoes

Hello, everyone!

Here are my new, "boring" basic shoes. I have been looking for something like this for ages! Made entirely of real leather, black, reasonable heel, comfortable - those were my requirements for the "boring" shoes. I can't believe how hard it is to find shoes, that are made entirely of authentic leather! Even if the outside was leather, the inside was always synthetic, and I just don't see the point - why waste good leather to the outside, when the inside makes your feet sweat like a sinner in church? The older I get, the less I can stand uncomfortable, low-quality shoes.

Well, here they are now, and after all they aren't so boring! They are still quite basic, but I also find them very pretty and the bow detail adds a little bit feminine cuteness and playfulness to the otherwice simple design. I'm sure I can wear these with ordinary clothes, lolita, even in more festive outfits - and also I'm sure I will! Right now I'm quite happy with my new shoes.

I'm even happier about the fact that me, boyfriend and the new shoes are going to spend this week end in Praque! Oh, I'm so ecxited to be travelling again! I hope all of you have a very lovely week end - I'm pretty sure I will. ♥

6 kommenttia:

  1. Those are perfect basic shoes indeed

  2. Very cute shoes! I'm currently looking for a pair made of synthetic leather :) but I really like these ones!

    1. Thank you! ^^ I hope you find the kind of shoes you want to, too!

  3. Kauneus ja käytännöllisyys on aina toimiva yhdistelmä. Myös nämä kauniit nahkakorkokengät saattaisivat kiinnostaa sinua: https://www.huuto.net/kohteet/englantilaiset-desing-juhla-korkokengat-37/331021921

    Sopisivat mielestäni nätisti myös lolita-asujen kanssa :).

    1. Oikein kauniit kengät, kiitos vinkistä! Yritän kuitenkin vältellä peep toe -mallia, se kun rajaa kengän käyttökauden lähinnä kesään, joka on Suomessa valitettavan lyhyt. :P
