Today was loli day for me. Once again me and my boyfriend went to The Ounce -teashop to have some tea and macarons. This time we tried "Beijing's Heaven" -tea, and my bf also bought it for us.
At home I tried to take a good picture of my hair. I failed.
My outfit for the day: Angelic Pretty cardigan, purse and dress, Innocent World headbow, my beloved vintage lace gloves and rest is offbrand.
At Ounce we randomly met Sanni, who happened to be there at the same time! It was so nice to see her after such a long while. ♥
And I found & bought so cute mint green umbrella with ruffles! I think I can also use it as a parasol, it's so pretty.
It even has lace print on the see-trough parts. I'm in love with it! It seems that umbrellas and parasols are one of my soft points, too. I can't resist them. :D
Tea, Macarons and Umbrellas
Angelic Pretty,
Daily outfit,
Innocent World,
My Wardrobe, part 3: Shoes, shoes, shoes
Hello! My wardrobe series continues with shoes. Shoes have long been my favorite accessories, and though I've effectively gotten rid of many shoes I didn't use anymore, I still got plenty of them. ♥
Let's start with white ones. Mostly offbrand, couple of Minna Parikkas and one self customized pair.
Then the black shoes. Stylesnob, and lots of offbrand.
Then my colorful shoes. Minna Parikka, vintage and offbrand.
Metal coloured. How lonely they look, just two of them.
And finally, my two favorite boots. All my other boots and anckle boots are alredy stored away for Summer, but I can't part from these two. Minna Parikka and Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.
Now there's only one part left: the dresses! That will be lot of hard work, it's so difficult to fit many lolita dresses in a same picture.
Let's start with white ones. Mostly offbrand, couple of Minna Parikkas and one self customized pair.
Then the black shoes. Stylesnob, and lots of offbrand.
Then my colorful shoes. Minna Parikka, vintage and offbrand.
Metal coloured. How lonely they look, just two of them.
And finally, my two favorite boots. All my other boots and anckle boots are alredy stored away for Summer, but I can't part from these two. Minna Parikka and Baby, the Stars Shine Bright.
Now there's only one part left: the dresses! That will be lot of hard work, it's so difficult to fit many lolita dresses in a same picture.
Minna Parikka,
my wardrobe,
Créme Shopping
Hello everyone! Now I will show you the things I purchased yesterday at Créme de la Garderobe.
I got this Juliette & Justine's top as a thank you -present because I helped to organize the event. I think it's lovely!
And I finally found dark brown shoes! They are vintage, probably from the 40's. These will go so well with my Innocent World dresses!
I also found an old cage bird book from the 50's.
Half of the book is filled with lovely pictures! Just look at them! I can't help but love old books, they have a special, almost magical feeling to them.

Last but not least: Mimi made this beautiful dress, "Chemise á la Princesse", to me. The dress takes its inspiration from Marie Antoinette's famous Chemise á la Reine. I simply love this dress, though I'm not quite used to wearing this long dresses. I'm so short I'll definetely have to wear high heels with this one... but then again, I always wear high heels anyway.
I got this Juliette & Justine's top as a thank you -present because I helped to organize the event. I think it's lovely!

Creme de la Garderobe,
juliette et justine,
Créme de la Garderobe: Luxury Shopping Day
Today I went to Créme de la Garderobe's Luxury Shopping Day. I also helped organizing this event, so I was happy to see how great it turned out to be! At least I had so much fun and made some great findings (more about those later though!).
We started the day with a shopping tour in Helsinki. We went to many little, lovely and unique shops to shop vintage, antique, furniture etc. This was only one of the boutiques we visited:
And yes, it actually is a boutique, not a museum!
After the shopping tour we went to café Villipuutarha ("Wild Garden"). They had planned a lovely menu for us!
Strawberry and rasberry champagne and hibiscus tea.
Spinach and feta pie and salad with avocado and nuts.
And white chocolate cheese cake with rasberry & basilica melva.
My outfit for the day was also a fashion show outfit. I wore Baby, the Stars Shine Bright's Music Salon JSK with Minna Parikka shoes and vintage lace gloves.
I had roses and butterflies in my hair. I also tried a new hairstyle with lolita. I like it very much and will definetely wear it again!
Here are all of our lovely models. The fashion show had to be very small, because café Villipuutarha is such a small (and cute) place. Our theme was "Spring Dreams".
We started the day with a shopping tour in Helsinki. We went to many little, lovely and unique shops to shop vintage, antique, furniture etc. This was only one of the boutiques we visited:

After the shopping tour we went to café Villipuutarha ("Wild Garden"). They had planned a lovely menu for us!
Strawberry and rasberry champagne and hibiscus tea.

My Wardrobe, part 2: Basics
This post is rather boring; it contains those basics that I couldn't do without.
Blouses. Baby, second hand, offbrand and vintage.
More blouses. Vintage, offbrand and Moi-même-moitié.
Boleros and gardigans. Angelic Pretty and offbrand. I couldn't had survived the Finnish Winter without that offwhite angora cardigan, it's very comfy and so warm.
Socks. It looks I have so few of these! I do have plenty of lace stockings in colors from black to ivory to peach pink, but those look so weird in pictures, if not worn by someone.
Coats. Offbrand, Baby and my Winter coat is made by Mimi.

Angelic Pretty,
baby the stars shine bright,
my wardrobe,
second hand,
My Wardrobe, part 1: Accessories
I've been asked to make a wardrobe post a couple of times already, but haven't done it as it takes so much time. But now I decided, that it's finally time to do it! I do it in several posts, so it won't feel so hard, maybe. :'D
This is also a nice opportunity for me to dig around in my closet and see what I actually own, and didn't even remember owning (usually this happens to me with my shoes: "Where and when did I buy these?!"). But anyway, here we go: first part of my wardrobe posts. I hope you enjoy them! ♥
Purses. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty and offbrand. And now I realised I forgot one purse from this pic... oh well.
Baby's bunnybearbags.
Rose or flower corsages. I do love these. They go with almost any outfit imaginable!
Other headwear. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Innocent World, Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose, selfmade and offbrand.
Gloves. Mostly vintage or secondhand findings.
Mini hats. All hand made by two Finnish girls.
More hats. Brown hat is vintage, bear ear hat gift from my boyfriend and berets rather random.
Fur collars and muffs. Angelic Pretty, offbrand, vintage/second hand findings, gifts from Mimi.
Jewellery. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright, Essin maailma, Tiukupuu, self made, vintage and second hand findings, offbrand.
Parasols and umbrellas. Baby, the Stars Shine Bright and offbrand.
This is also a nice opportunity for me to dig around in my closet and see what I actually own, and didn't even remember owning (usually this happens to me with my shoes: "Where and when did I buy these?!"). But anyway, here we go: first part of my wardrobe posts. I hope you enjoy them! ♥

Angelic Pretty,
baby the stars shine bright,
Innocent World,
my wardrobe,
second hand,
Winter Wrap Up
Me and Kata met today quickly for some cups of tea, cookies and to discuss about Creme de la Garderobe business.
As I knew I was going to stay indoors whole day, I decided to wear something very Spring-y: Angelic Pretty's Powder Rose dress, bolero, star purse, Innocent World's headbow and lace stockings. Somehow pink feels very refreshing after all the browns I've been wearing lately.
And vintage lace gloves to match with the tights.
That's all for today! My easter holiday will end roughly tomorrow, as I have to wake up 03:45 in the morning, buu huu. :/
As I knew I was going to stay indoors whole day, I decided to wear something very Spring-y: Angelic Pretty's Powder Rose dress, bolero, star purse, Innocent World's headbow and lace stockings. Somehow pink feels very refreshing after all the browns I've been wearing lately.

Angelic Pretty,
Creme de la Garderobe,
Daily outfit,
Innocent World,
Girls Just Wanna Have Tea
The agenda for this day: to have some tea with my darling friend Hanna at our favorite tea shop, The Ounce.
My outfit for the day was fitting the theme of tea; Innocent World's tea party themed dress with vintage hat, Baby purse and Minna Parikka shoes. I'm not completely satisfied with this outfit. I think it would look better with some brown shoes, but sadly, after very tragic events, I don't have any darker brown shoes. :( (I will always miss my brown anckle boots, may they rest in pieces - bun intended.)
Hanna also gave me this beautiful pearl and lace choker she had made. Even the box, also decorated by Hanna, is a present in itself! ♥
Of course we also shopped some teas. I bought some more Creme Brulée tea, and as new aquintances I purchased Lolita and Creamy Strawberry Pu Erh teas.
And sorry, couldn't resist sharing this with you: I did shop some Ponies also! I'm only two Ponies away from my coal to collect the "Mane Six".

baby the stars shine bright,
Innocent World,
Minna Parikka,
The Ounce,
Crème de la Garderoben luksusshoppailupäivä 21.4.
"Kevät tulee, ja niin tulee uusi Crème de la Garderobe!
Karistamme katupölyn helmoistamme ja pudistamme loskanrippeen kengistämme, nyt lähdetään ostoksille!
Crème de la Garderoben emännät kutsuvat sinut mukaan luksuksen värittämälle ostosretkelle Helsingin parhaimpiin mansikkapaikkoihin. Kello 12:00 alkava shoppailukierros johdattaa osallistujat läpi tarkasti valikoidun reitin Helsingin parhaiden putiikkien läpi.
Kierros lopetetaan Villipuutarhaan kello viiden teehen, luksuskattaus täynnä kaikkea hyvää! Runsaan tarjoilun lisäksi luvassa on Crèmen tarjoamaa ohjelmaa (mm. muotinäytös), sekä elävää musiikkia (Härmälän Mimosa ja Vihamielinen Pekka Nummi esiintyy).
Paikkoja on rajallinen määrä, vain 15 ensimmäistä mahtuvat mukaan, joten ilmoittaudu nyt osoitteeseen cremedelagarderobe(at) Mainitsethan myös mahdollisista ruokarajoitteistasi niin että ruokatarjoilu voidaan suunnitella kaikille sopivaksi.
Lipun hinta on 25 euroa ja sisältää Crème de la Garderoben ostoskassin, eksklusiivisen lahjan vain tähän tapahtumaan osallistuville (Crème loves you!), sekä Villipuutarhan kello viiden teen.
Shoppailukierroksella liikutaan ratikalla, joten jos tarvitset päivälipun Helsingin joukkoliikenteeseen, mainitse siitä ilmoittautumisesi yhteydessä. Hankimme tarvitseville liput etukäteen. Päivälipun maksu suoritetaan tapahtuman maksun yhteydessä. Päivälippu on hsl:n sivujen mukaan 7 euroa aikuisille ja 7-16-vuotiaille 3,50.
Myös mukana:
Tiina Talvikki
Crèmen blogikirppis
...ynnä muut!
Yhteydenotot ja kysymykset: cremedelagarderobe(at)"
Kyllä vain, hieman mainostusta Creme de la Garderobe -luksusshoppailupäivästä! Kuten aiemmin mainitsin, olemme hieman auttaneet Rittistä tapahtuman järkkäämisessä. Minä, Mimi, Kata ja Susanna olemme kaikki menossa tuonne - toivottavasti nähdään siellä! ♥ Osallistumismaksu pitää maksaa viimeistään 10.4., ilmoittautukaa siis äkkiä, jos mielitte mukaan.
Karistamme katupölyn helmoistamme ja pudistamme loskanrippeen kengistämme, nyt lähdetään ostoksille!
Crème de la Garderoben emännät kutsuvat sinut mukaan luksuksen värittämälle ostosretkelle Helsingin parhaimpiin mansikkapaikkoihin. Kello 12:00 alkava shoppailukierros johdattaa osallistujat läpi tarkasti valikoidun reitin Helsingin parhaiden putiikkien läpi.
Kierros lopetetaan Villipuutarhaan kello viiden teehen, luksuskattaus täynnä kaikkea hyvää! Runsaan tarjoilun lisäksi luvassa on Crèmen tarjoamaa ohjelmaa (mm. muotinäytös), sekä elävää musiikkia (Härmälän Mimosa ja Vihamielinen Pekka Nummi esiintyy).
Paikkoja on rajallinen määrä, vain 15 ensimmäistä mahtuvat mukaan, joten ilmoittaudu nyt osoitteeseen cremedelagarderobe(at) Mainitsethan myös mahdollisista ruokarajoitteistasi niin että ruokatarjoilu voidaan suunnitella kaikille sopivaksi.
Lipun hinta on 25 euroa ja sisältää Crème de la Garderoben ostoskassin, eksklusiivisen lahjan vain tähän tapahtumaan osallistuville (Crème loves you!), sekä Villipuutarhan kello viiden teen.
Shoppailukierroksella liikutaan ratikalla, joten jos tarvitset päivälipun Helsingin joukkoliikenteeseen, mainitse siitä ilmoittautumisesi yhteydessä. Hankimme tarvitseville liput etukäteen. Päivälipun maksu suoritetaan tapahtuman maksun yhteydessä. Päivälippu on hsl:n sivujen mukaan 7 euroa aikuisille ja 7-16-vuotiaille 3,50.
Myös mukana:
Tiina Talvikki
Crèmen blogikirppis
...ynnä muut!
Yhteydenotot ja kysymykset: cremedelagarderobe(at)"

Kyllä vain, hieman mainostusta Creme de la Garderobe -luksusshoppailupäivästä! Kuten aiemmin mainitsin, olemme hieman auttaneet Rittistä tapahtuman järkkäämisessä. Minä, Mimi, Kata ja Susanna olemme kaikki menossa tuonne - toivottavasti nähdään siellä! ♥ Osallistumismaksu pitää maksaa viimeistään 10.4., ilmoittautukaa siis äkkiä, jos mielitte mukaan.
Madamoiselle & Me
On Saturday me, Mimi, Kata and Rittis met at Mimi's to sew some shopping bags for Creme de la Garderobe (it's a lolita shopping event and we are helping Rittis to organize it). You can see more pictures about the actual meeting here.
I had promised to go to Lahti before my best friend asked me to take care of her little papillon Madamoiselle, better known as Pomppis. I couldn't leave Pom home alone (she starts crying if I try to take a shower and leave her behind the door), so Pom had to go with me. Luckily she is very used to travelling with train, and behaved beautifully, napping trought it.
I wore my vintage hat first time with lolita. On this picture you can also see my new bag, it has flowers on it! ♥
As I knew Pom would be with me whole day, I couldn't resist coordinating my outfit to match her, so I wore Innocent World's puppy dress and brown accessories.
Pom really is such a princess, she chose the most beautiful peace of furniture to lie on at Mimi's! :D

P.S. Suomalaisille lukijoille tiedoksi, että eilinen postaus oli aprillipila. Se tosin kalahti hieman omaan nilkkaan, koska tykkään keksimästäni koordinaatiosta tosi paljon... kohta varmaan omalla käsivarrellani keikkuu joku krokotiilinnahkajäljitelmää oleva veska. :D
I had promised to go to Lahti before my best friend asked me to take care of her little papillon Madamoiselle, better known as Pomppis. I couldn't leave Pom home alone (she starts crying if I try to take a shower and leave her behind the door), so Pom had to go with me. Luckily she is very used to travelling with train, and behaved beautifully, napping trought it.

As I knew Pom would be with me whole day, I couldn't resist coordinating my outfit to match her, so I wore Innocent World's puppy dress and brown accessories.

P.S. Suomalaisille lukijoille tiedoksi, että eilinen postaus oli aprillipila. Se tosin kalahti hieman omaan nilkkaan, koska tykkään keksimästäni koordinaatiosta tosi paljon... kohta varmaan omalla käsivarrellani keikkuu joku krokotiilinnahkajäljitelmää oleva veska. :D
Daily outfit,
Innocent World,
Blogitekstit (Atom)