Good evening, everyone!
Here's some things I bought at Essi's teaparty. Most of it is second hand, worn a couple of times by Essi, but I also bought a brand new Essin maailma's "Versailles" headpiece (lower row, on the middle).
I also bought this bag. It says "Milk" but as I don't have anything else from Milk, I can't be sure if this is real or fake. One way or another, I find it very cute and now I finally have a black loliable purse. :3
Essi had also collected a little bit of My Little Ponies. I of course bought everypony that I didn't already own. There was even a couple of G1-ponies from the 80's-90's. How could I have resisted them? No way, it seems. They will be safe, sound and much loved in my MLP shelf.
Now I'm wondering if I should wear that very fancy white headband to Mimi's wedding celebration this Saturday, or perhaps the "Versailles" headpiece? To be honest I don't have a clue what I should wear, not yet. Luckily Mimi especially wished that her friends wear lolita, so lolita it will be.
Essi's Teaparty
Good evening, lords and ladies!
Saturday was a special day, as Essi's parents hosted a memorial teaparty for her. We were told it was Essi's dream to host a teaparty for lolitas, but she never had enough time to do it - unfortunately Essi died of cancer the 8th September 2013. So I helped Essi's parents and gathered some fellow lolitas to attend to this party. I was glad to be of some help - Essi was a wonderful person, she was talented, and always so kind to everyone, and I feel deeply sorry that she is no longer here with us.
The teaparty was absolutely wonderful. Essi's parents' house was simply beautiful, and almost every piece of furniture was painted and decorated by Essi. They had also baked so many delicious treats for us. I was very happy to be able to be a part of it, even though at the same time I felt sad for Essi. It almost felt like Essi was present, she could have been just in the next room... All in all, I think this teaparty was a beautiful way of remembering Essi and hounouring her memory.
I wore my new Juliette & Justine dress for the occasion. (My friend's little papillon Pomppis was photobombing all the pictures...)
Outfit details:
Hat, pearls - second hand
Blouse - H&M
Dress - Juliette & Justine
Tights - Primark
Shoes - can't remember
And then some pictures of the party. Hanna and Susanna wanted a friend picture. ♥
Here you can see some of the beautiful decoration of their house.
It was also possible to purchase some of Essis remaining Essin maailma jewelry. It was also possible to buy some of Essi's clothes, accessories and so on, that she hadn't worn much or at all.
Saturday was a special day, as Essi's parents hosted a memorial teaparty for her. We were told it was Essi's dream to host a teaparty for lolitas, but she never had enough time to do it - unfortunately Essi died of cancer the 8th September 2013. So I helped Essi's parents and gathered some fellow lolitas to attend to this party. I was glad to be of some help - Essi was a wonderful person, she was talented, and always so kind to everyone, and I feel deeply sorry that she is no longer here with us.
The teaparty was absolutely wonderful. Essi's parents' house was simply beautiful, and almost every piece of furniture was painted and decorated by Essi. They had also baked so many delicious treats for us. I was very happy to be able to be a part of it, even though at the same time I felt sad for Essi. It almost felt like Essi was present, she could have been just in the next room... All in all, I think this teaparty was a beautiful way of remembering Essi and hounouring her memory.
I wore my new Juliette & Justine dress for the occasion. (My friend's little papillon Pomppis was photobombing all the pictures...)
Outfit details:
Hat, pearls - second hand
Blouse - H&M
Dress - Juliette & Justine
Tights - Primark
Shoes - can't remember
And then some pictures of the party. Hanna and Susanna wanted a friend picture. ♥
Here you can see some of the beautiful decoration of their house.
It was also possible to purchase some of Essis remaining Essin maailma jewelry. It was also possible to buy some of Essi's clothes, accessories and so on, that she hadn't worn much or at all.
And here's some food pictures. They tasted as delicious as they look.
I did buy some things at the party. Now I'm considering if I should make a post about them or not...
Poisoned Apple
Hello, everyone!
Just a quick outfit post this time. I wore this outfit to do maybe the weirdest thing I've ever done during my long years in lolita, but well, it was an experience. No more on that though.
Actually I don't even like this outfit now afterwards, but I did like my hairdo very much, so I decided to share this anyway. :P And yes, this time I actually tried to make my hair look messy, and wild, and that's it's natural way of being so it succeeded just fabulously.
And the plah outift. Nevermind it.
The plah outfit details:
Deer antlers headband - Essin maailma
Earrings - Accessorize (a gift from Tiia!)
Blouse - same old Seppälä
Purse - H&M
Dress - Victorian Maiden
Shoes - Secret Shop (borrowed them from Mimi)
Just a quick outfit post this time. I wore this outfit to do maybe the weirdest thing I've ever done during my long years in lolita, but well, it was an experience. No more on that though.
Actually I don't even like this outfit now afterwards, but I did like my hairdo very much, so I decided to share this anyway. :P And yes, this time I actually tried to make my hair look messy, and wild, and that's it's natural way of being so it succeeded just fabulously.
And the plah outift. Nevermind it.
The plah outfit details:
Deer antlers headband - Essin maailma
Earrings - Accessorize (a gift from Tiia!)
Blouse - same old Seppälä
Purse - H&M
Dress - Victorian Maiden
Shoes - Secret Shop (borrowed them from Mimi)
Something new
Good evening, lords and ladies!
I have done a little bit of shopping lately.
First, my wonderful dress by Juliette & Justine. It's the "Le Dance de la dame" JSK. I have wanted more dark blue lolita dresses for quite some time, and now I have this beauty. Of course my unicorn print dress also has a dark blue upper part, but the hem is mainly dark green. So now I have 1 and ½ dark blue dresses, yay! :D Ever since I worked at the airport, I've been obsessed with dark blue. I quess I got a little bit too used to my work uniform...
The dress's fabric is really gorgeous, it's light but has a nice texture. The upper part of the dress is decorated with a lace print...
... and the hem is printed with lovely ladies from various eras. There's Rococo, Reneissance, Elizabethan, Victorian and Baroque, one women from each era. I love history, especially the history of fashion, and while these ladies are not all correctly dressed to the time - still, I can't help but love it!
Second and third, I bought a blouse with a very lovely lace collar and a heart shaped purse. The blouse doesn't look that special on it's own, but it will look darling when worn under a jumperskirt, and I do own a lot of jumperskirts. I really need some more loliable blouses, so this was a great find. The purse was an impulsive buy (bad, bad me), but it will work very well with my current wardrobe and to be honest, I don't have that many loliable purses either (or actually I do, but I always tend to use my favorite one).
I have done a little bit of shopping lately.
First, my wonderful dress by Juliette & Justine. It's the "Le Dance de la dame" JSK. I have wanted more dark blue lolita dresses for quite some time, and now I have this beauty. Of course my unicorn print dress also has a dark blue upper part, but the hem is mainly dark green. So now I have 1 and ½ dark blue dresses, yay! :D Ever since I worked at the airport, I've been obsessed with dark blue. I quess I got a little bit too used to my work uniform...
The dress's fabric is really gorgeous, it's light but has a nice texture. The upper part of the dress is decorated with a lace print...
... and the hem is printed with lovely ladies from various eras. There's Rococo, Reneissance, Elizabethan, Victorian and Baroque, one women from each era. I love history, especially the history of fashion, and while these ladies are not all correctly dressed to the time - still, I can't help but love it!

The First Unicorn
Good night (well, it is so late that I can't very well call it an evening anymore), my lords and ladies!
Today was once again time for our traditional Kesänkuoppajaiset ('Burying the Summer') party! This time it was Hanna's turn to be the hostess. She had decided that the theme for the party would be a British style five o'clock tea. I simply loved the idea! To get some British wibe into my outfit, I wore a fancy hat. I also wore my unicorn dress first time this Autumn; I have been saving it for this occasion. A very special party requires a very special dress. ♥
Then some pictures of the party. Hanna had made everything herself, every single treat. It was really amazing.
Hanna asked me to bring my selfmade game "Rococo Race" (that I originally made for Mimi's bachlorette party), so we played it a couple of times.
In the end, have a couple of
And second: Hanna's posh Russian champagne glasses matched my dress so nicely. :}
Outfit details:
Hat - second hand (borrowed it from my friend Sari)
Blouse - Seppälä
Earrings - Accessorize
Dress - handmade by Mimi
The rest - second hand or can't remember
Daily outfit,
hand made by mimi,
second hand,
tea party
Quite Casual
Good evening, everyone!
I wore this outfit for a date with my boyfriend. We went to an Italian restaurant and then had some tea at The Ounce. It was very lovely. ♥
I haven't worn this dress for ages! I really love the print and the colours, but the design on the upper part is not that fantastic. So I wore a cardigan, and problem was solved. Even the stupid lace on the waist looked nice with a cardi. :D I aimed for a more casual, yet still cute look.
From this picture you can see that my shoes and thighs were actually dark brown and thus matched the cardi's buttons quite nicely.
And lastly, my earrings for the day. They have some attitude, claiming "J'aime le chocolat" ("I love chocolat") which is true, I love both chocolate and French language. My dear friend sent these to me as a birthday gift from Manchester.
Outfit details:
Headbow - Innocent World
Dress - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse - Seppälä
Cardigan - second hand
Earrings - a gift from my friend
Shoes - Ellos
I wore this outfit for a date with my boyfriend. We went to an Italian restaurant and then had some tea at The Ounce. It was very lovely. ♥
I haven't worn this dress for ages! I really love the print and the colours, but the design on the upper part is not that fantastic. So I wore a cardigan, and problem was solved. Even the stupid lace on the waist looked nice with a cardi. :D I aimed for a more casual, yet still cute look.
From this picture you can see that my shoes and thighs were actually dark brown and thus matched the cardi's buttons quite nicely.
And lastly, my earrings for the day. They have some attitude, claiming "J'aime le chocolat" ("I love chocolat") which is true, I love both chocolate and French language. My dear friend sent these to me as a birthday gift from Manchester.
Outfit details:
Headbow - Innocent World
Dress - Baby, the Stars Shine Bright
Blouse - Seppälä
Cardigan - second hand
Earrings - a gift from my friend
Shoes - Ellos
Hello everyone!
Today I met Hanna for some tea and cake. For my look, I tried to take inspiration from the 20's, but ended up looking much more antiqued. Hanna said that I look like "a cover girl for a Jane Austen's novel", which is not too bad, actually. :D
It was also time to dig my old and much beloved winter coat from the naftaline. Have I mentioned how much I love Autumn? Oh, I have, a couplehundred of times?
Lords and ladies, please pay attention to the lovely decorative cuts on the side of my vintage shoes.
Outfit details:
Hat, shoes - vintage
Blouse - Seppälä
Dress - Victorian Maiden
Coat - handmade by Mimi
Today I met Hanna for some tea and cake. For my look, I tried to take inspiration from the 20's, but ended up looking much more antiqued. Hanna said that I look like "a cover girl for a Jane Austen's novel", which is not too bad, actually. :D

It was also time to dig my old and much beloved winter coat from the naftaline. Have I mentioned how much I love Autumn? Oh, I have, a couple
Lords and ladies, please pay attention to the lovely decorative cuts on the side of my vintage shoes.
Outfit details:
Hat, shoes - vintage
Blouse - Seppälä
Dress - Victorian Maiden
Coat - handmade by Mimi
Daily outfit,
hand made by mimi,
victorian maiden,
Good evening, my lords and ladies!
It is time for my mandatory Autumn hype post. Ruska is really starting to get at its best here in Helsinki. Today was one of those rare, sunny Autumn days: the most perfect weather. The air is cool and fresh, but it's not yet too cold. This fleeing time of Ruska always fills me with inspiration. Autumn is really a time for celebration for me; it's the best part of the year, and after this the only way is down. After ruska fades, it's cold and wet and dark all the way to Spring. But not quite yet! So I'm enjoying Autumn as much as I can, while I still can. ♥
I hope you are enjoying the weather, too, where ever you might be, my dear readers.
P.S. Oh, how it was nice to photograpf ruska with my better camera! Me and my not-so-new-anymore camera's first Autumn together. :D
It is time for my mandatory Autumn hype post. Ruska is really starting to get at its best here in Helsinki. Today was one of those rare, sunny Autumn days: the most perfect weather. The air is cool and fresh, but it's not yet too cold. This fleeing time of Ruska always fills me with inspiration. Autumn is really a time for celebration for me; it's the best part of the year, and after this the only way is down. After ruska fades, it's cold and wet and dark all the way to Spring. But not quite yet! So I'm enjoying Autumn as much as I can, while I still can. ♥
I hope you are enjoying the weather, too, where ever you might be, my dear readers.
P.S. Oh, how it was nice to photograpf ruska with my better camera! Me and my not-so-new-anymore camera's first Autumn together. :D
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