
Something new

Good evening, lords and ladies!

I have done a little bit of shopping lately.

First, my wonderful dress by Juliette & Justine. It's the "Le Dance de la dame" JSK. I have wanted more dark blue lolita dresses for quite some time, and now I have this beauty. Of course my unicorn print dress also has a dark blue upper part, but the hem is mainly dark green. So now I have 1 and ½ dark blue dresses, yay! :D Ever since I worked at the airport, I've been obsessed with dark blue. I quess I got a little bit too used to my work uniform...

The dress's fabric is really gorgeous, it's light but has a nice texture. The upper part of the dress is decorated with a lace print...

... and the hem is printed with lovely ladies from various eras. There's Rococo, Reneissance, Elizabethan, Victorian and Baroque, one women from each era. I love history, especially the history of fashion, and while these ladies are not all correctly dressed to the time - still, I can't help but love it!


Second and third, I bought a blouse with a very lovely lace collar and a heart shaped purse. The blouse doesn't look that special on it's own, but it will look darling when worn under a jumperskirt, and I do own a lot of jumperskirts. I really need some more loliable blouses, so this was a great find. The purse was an impulsive buy (bad, bad me), but it will work very well with my current wardrobe and to be honest, I don't have that many loliable purses either (or actually I do, but I always tend to use my favorite one).

10 kommenttia:

  1. Toi mekko on kyl aika erilainen kuin sun muut mekot, nii innol ootan millasii asui saat loihdittuu! :D Ihana toi pitsikuvio.

  2. Kiitos! Enpä tiedä, onko se lopultakaan niin erilainen - mun kaapissa on niin monenlaisia mekkoja, että sinne nyt sujahtaa melkein mitä tahansa. Se on kyllä totta, että printin asettelu on aika tavanomaisesta poikkeava, mutta ei vain mun kaappiin nähden, vaan yleisestikin ottaen aika erikoinen. :D

  3. Mistä tuo pusero on ostettu? :)

    1. H&M:stä, mutta luulenpa, ettei sitä enää taida olla siellä (siinäkin vaiheessa, kun itse ostin, tuo oli vihoviimeinen valkeana) :(

  4. The dress is amazing! I can't wait to see you wearing it~

    I also like the blouse a lot and the purse is very cute and still elegant. I am sure you will combine it in a lovely way.

  5. Voi miten kaunis mekko! Kävin muuten kans ostamssa ton saman valkosen paidan :)

    1. Kiitos! :) Ai niitä löytyi vielä? Silloin kun mä kävin ostamassa, toi oli siinä liikkeessä tasan vika valkea versio :O

    2. kävin sen siis jo varmaan viikko sitten :D

    3. Mä en muista milloin kävin, on siitäkin jo aikaa. Sain aikaiseksi tehdä postausta vasta nyt. :P

  6. While the dress is not to my taste, it will look great on you. I adore that white shirt though, I must find something like it because it is simply gorgeous and will go with everything
